Since 2010, the VASD Program has presented dynamic contemporary artists, scholars, and designers at the forefront of creativity and culture. This history creates a rich and extensive archive of video-recorded interviews, artist talks, panels, and performances by these thought leaders. Many of these videos are available to the public. The full archive is exclusively available to the RMCAD community for academic integration. Students and faculty can learn more and preview the complete archive via the link below (you must be logged in to your RMCAD Google account to access the archive). Publicly available videos are found on the artist’s page.
Explore RMCAD’s exclusive VASD Program archive.
VASD Program learning guides
Integrate VASD Program content into workshops, discussions, assignments, and exercises with our learning guides. Each guide includes the artist’s bio, a description of the presentation, materials and topics lists, keywords, discussion questions, and further research and inspiration recommended by the artist. More guides will be posted soon.